Please set TMDB API key here
Note: Keep in mind that the information about some episodes may be missing since it relies on fetching data from the TMDb API.
@endif {!! Form::open(array('url' => array('admin/episodes/add_edit_episode'),'class'=>'form-horizontal','name'=>'episode_form','id'=>'episode_form','role'=>'form','enctype' => 'multipart/form-data')) !!}
video_quality) && $episode_info->video_quality==1) {{ 'checked' }} @endif>
video_quality) && $episode_info->video_quality==0) {{ 'checked' }} @endif {{ isset($episode_info->id) ? '' : 'checked' }}>
video_type) AND $episode_info->video_type!="URL") style="display:none;" @endif >
(Supported : MP4 URL. If you are using external files then those files have to be CORS enabled otherwise they will not work.)
video_type) AND $episode_info->video_type!="Embed") style="display:none;" @endif @if(!isset($episode_info->id)) style="display:none;" @endif>
video_type) AND $episode_info->video_type!="HLS") style="display:none;" @endif @if(!isset($episode_info->id)) style="display:none;" @endif>
(Supported : MP4, YouTube, Vimeo, HLS / m3u8 URL. If you are using external files then those files have to be CORS enabled otherwise they will not work.)
video_type) AND $episode_info->video_type!="DASH") style="display:none;" @endif @if(!isset($episode_info->id)) style="display:none;" @endif>
download_enable) && $episode_info->download_enable==1) {{ 'checked' }} @endif>
download_enable) && $episode_info->download_enable==0) {{ 'checked' }} @endif @if(!isset($episode_info->id)) {{ 'checked' }} @endif>
(Supported : .srt or .vtt files URL only. If you are using external files then those files have to be CORS enabled otherwise they will not work.)
subtitle_on_off) && $episode_info->subtitle_on_off==1) {{ 'checked' }} @endif>
subtitle_on_off) && $episode_info->subtitle_on_off==0) {{ 'checked' }} @endif {{ isset($episode_info->id) ? '' : 'checked' }}>