@extends("admin.admin_app") @section("content")
{!! Form::open(array('url' => array('admin/player_ad_settings'),'class'=>'form-horizontal','name'=>'player_ad_settings','id'=>'player_ad_settings','role'=>'form','enctype' => 'multipart/form-data')) !!}
(Based on you Player Ads settings)


Currently support inline linear (pre-roll, mid-roll, post-roll, pods) and nonlinear ads. To add an VAST, VMAP or Google IMA URL path to the player to be played.

vast_type!="Local") style="display:none;" @endif>
vast_type!="URL" AND $settings->vast_type!="") style="display:none;" @endif>


Note: This settings only work with web player

Source: The ad source, it can be a mp4 video path, an image path, webpage URL or a youtube video url.

Timestart : The ad start time when it will appear in hours:minutes:seconds format.

Target Link: The link to open when the ad is clicked.

{!! Form::close() !!}